Brain Injury

Brain injuries can occur due to a variety of factors and are divided into traumatic (e.g. by means of a car accident) and acquired (e.g. a ruptured aneurysm).

The symptoms associated with brain injuries can include personality or behavioural changes, visual deficits, cognitive fall out, changes in speech and swallowing and physical disability. These symptoms can have a profound impact on a person’s ability to engage with their surroundings and participate in activities which they previously did. 

Occupational therapists can assist with specialised wheelchair seating and positioning, physical and cognitive rehabilitation and the recommendation of home adaptations to maximise independence or to support caregivers.

We are trained in the treatment of other neurological conditions such as motor neuron disease, Parkinson’s, Guillain-Barre syndrome, stroke and spinal cord injury.

To find out more about how we can assist you or a loved one after a brain injury,  click here