Patient Testimonials

Bridget Murray-Rogers is an outstanding occupational therapist, extremely gifted and knowledgeable. Amongst all her gifts, Bridget is caring,
compassionate, and assists willingly with sincerity within her profession or otherwise. Gives her time to explain concerns and continuously cares for her patient with unbelievable commitment and conscientiousness. Furthermore, we can recommend Bridget for her outstanding love, loyalty to her patients, and working ethics.

Kind Regards
Ahilleas Mouyis and Marcia Mouyis - for Thomas Varitimos (Son)

As a result of a stroke in May 2021, I was unable to use my right arm and hand.

After my discharge from hospital I still required occupational therapy to help me regain my mobility and Paige Pollard came into my life, like a breath of fresh air, working with me from my home.

She put me through numerous exercises. Working with small objects was a challenge and she produced a variety of of things to do like puzzles, colouring in, writing between lines, practicing my signature, picking up and moving objects from one place to another, using my cell phone and many more. She introduced me to diamond dot painting and we started a small garden in a pot. Each time she arrived with something new to challenge my mobility. Squeezing oranges was very satisfying as it demonstrated how the strength in my arm/wrist had improved. Plus it was great fun.
Paige was instrumental in lifting me out of severe depression caused not only by the stroke but also from not being allowed visitors in hospital. Her visits were calming. We discussed many things that were worrying me. She is a good listener and has a knack of finding a solution. She’s easy to get along with, has a pleasant disposition and a good sense of humour.

Best wishes, Paige, as you continue your studies towards your Master’s degree and thank you for all you did for me.
Kind Regards
Dawn Hollander (Age 78)

Our journey started in 2013. As the mother of a child diagnosed with cerebral palsy, I received a diverse range of services from Bridget. This included teaching my daughter how to drive a power chair, modifying and adapting her standing frame as she grows. Bridget designed and built "personalized" parts of the positioning chairs. She searched for both innovative and affordable ideas to solve many postural problems. She offered her support to our family objectives at the orthotist practice. I mostly value her flexibility, her open-minded approach to my family needs with long term thinking regarding the future of my daughter. Last but not least, Bridget recently engineered a safe stepping system whereby my daughter started stepping on a treadmill while standing in a gait walker.

Kind Regards
Adi De Hoop

Bridget Murray-Rogers has worked with Melissa since 2015. She initially advised us on a wheelchair with the correct seating that would best cater for Melissa's specific disabilities. She then continued to work with Melissa. Throughout the years Bridget has advised us on apparatus that would make Melissa's life easier and improve her function. She has offered support to Melissa's family. Anyone, in our position of having a disabled family member knows that the world can be a lonely place.

The therapy sessions are constantly adapted to Melissa's changing needs. There is also a fun element as ongoing therapy can become quite tedious.

Bridget is also happy to consult with other professionals to get the optimum care for Melissa. An example is that recently Bridget set up a meeting with the orthopedic surgeon and the other therapists to discuss the best way forward to deal with Melissa's spasticity.
Bridget and her team of occupational therapists are professional and work well together. They bound ideas off each other which is beneficial to their patients. 

Kind Regards
Rozanne Gevers

We met Bridget in 2019 at a Motor Neuron Disease (MND) meeting. Wow! What a lady. From the first hello she went out of her way to help and assist. The saying "a phone call away" that's what Bridget it, no matter the time of the day, she is willing to help. The times she came to adjust Sharon's wheelcahir, setting up the eye gaze. Showing how to use the bath lift (what a story that was) and giving ideas on how to cope with this disease. We never had a dull moment inbetweeen the laughter and the crying. When it came to palliative care once again she was there helping and assisting. Getting the right people to assist us further. He visits were never Bridget the OT but Bridget our dear friend with a plan. On the passing of Sharon I phone Bridget she come through and sat with us for hours. Bridget is not your ordinary occupational therapist, she is a precious gem that will go more than the extra mile for you. In a world filled with cruel diseases you need a Bridget in your life. To say thank you is not enough, words aren't enough. YOU are and will always remain our precious gem even though Sharon is not here anymore, you still come for the coffee visits.

Kind Regards
Jacqui van Wyk