About Us

Bridget Murray Rogers Inc was established in 2011 as a home based occupational therapy practice to bridge the gap between in-patient and out-patient rehabilitation to
  • Ensure follow through of the skills learnt during in-patient rehabilitation
  • Provide services to clients that were unable to travel
  • Because "home is where the heart is" and that is where therapy begins.
Since then Bridget Murray Rogers Inc has helped many clients achieve their therapy goals and also offers in-patient occupational therapy at Medwedge Sub-Acute Facility in the Johannesburg Eye Hospital in Northcliff, Johannesburg.

Meet The Team

Bridget Ziperstein 

Bridget Ziperstein is a qualified occupational therapist, owner and founder of Bridget Murray Rogers Inc, with a passion for helping and supporting her clients on their unique therapy journeys.
Bridget started her career in the field of wheelchairs and seating. It was here she learnt the significance of correct postural support and the role the environment plays on one’s functional ability.
Bridget went on to establish A2Z Home Rehab in 2011, a home-based occupational therapy practice. It aimed to facilitate the transition from hospital to home, ensuring the skills learnt during in-hospital treatment were carried through into the home environment. 
She is dedicated to her work and the needs of her clients. 

The motto she lives by is “Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try”.

Nica Pietersen

Nica has a special interest in neurological conditions, but believes that the broadness of occupational therapy is what makes us unique and able to view each patient as a whole person.
She is currently completing her MSc OT (neurology) at the University of the Witwatersrand.
Overall wellbeing is extremely important to her and in her spare time she'll either be horse riding, mountain biking or walking her dogs.
Nica is most commonly known for being energetic, passionate and smiling through her KN95 mask.

Derryn Palmer

Derryn has a special interest in neurological and upper limb rehabilitation. She believes that by enabling people to improve their independence, it creates a sense of meaning and fulfilment that is so often taken for granted.

She lives by the motto, “The sun will rise, and we will try again”.

Shayna Webb

Shayna is a versatile occupational therapist with a special interest in physical rehabilitation. She has further training in wheelchair seating and upper limb dysfunction. 

She believes that rehabilitation is a journey that requires many different parties playing key roles. Recovery is almost never linear and Occupational Therapy assists adapting to the highs and the lows.

Claire Martin

Claire has been with BMR Therapy for some time, but getting a photo of her took patience and persistence! She runs our in-patient services at Medwedge Stepdown Facility.
Claire is a dedicated and enthusiastic individual who believes in providing holistic care to all her clients. She can be found bumbling about the halls of Medwedge Stepdown Facility with a cheerful smile and empathetic ear.
When she isn’t assisting patients with their recovery, you’ll find her building a puzzle or making a good meal to share with friends.


Bridget Murray Rogers Inc strives to offer excellent rehabilitation and valuable advice that will enable its clients to lead fulfilled lives. It is our goal to educate and empower persons with disabilities in order to improve their quality of life. Bridget Murray Rogers Inc ensures competency and care through continued training in order to be responsive to the needs of its clients and their families. 

Values and Culture


We aim to be leaders in the field of occupational therapy, committed to continuous improvement, innovation and providing clear communication to clients.


We value equity, inclusion and dignity
for all.


We are honest, trustworthy and accountable, following strong moral and ethical principles.